Official News (15) 605 (7) 602 (3) 606 (3) 604 (2) Bryan (2) JARVIS (2) John (2) Yoyo (2) 505 (1) Alice (1) Chan Leung Hei (1) Elaine (1) Gilbert (1) KK (1) Karen (1) Matthew (1) Mike (1) Nga Man (1) Sam sy (1) Sophia (1) Taylor (1) Ting (1)

Sunday, February 26, 2012

I got my first solo today!!!!!

Today weather is fair but still have some crosswind. I had two flights today. First flight, I had praticed circuit with some emergency produrces such as flapless landing, engine failure after take off. Next, it is my solo flight. My instructor told me lots of things before exit the aircraft. ''If uncomfortable, go around!'' which is memorable for me.
I felt little bit nervous when my instructor leave the plane. But I still try my best on my flight. Fortunately, I had a good landing. Woho!! I done it finally when I get out to the plane!!
My lovely ''EYE''

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Photo update 25/02/2012

our instructor !!

Solo flight " EYC "

Remarkable First Solo Done with EYC

To perform a first solo , it is not an easy task and cannot be controlled by ourselves. Although you are ready to go solo , you still need to rely on the weather. Our progress has been stopped serveral times on behalf of weather no matter it is sunny day or raining day as we cannnot fly on strong wind conditions. my first solo has been postponed also due to the wind. However today i finally make it , i have done my solo with a crosswind approach , the feeling of landing cross wind on my own is very amazing !

Anyway "i have control!!"

Specail thanks to my instructor andrew and jason who release me to solo !

Friday, February 24, 2012

My First SOLO!

23 February 2012

The weather today is unexpectedly fine this morning. I seized the chance to fly the check flight with my instructor for emergency handling like engine failure during and after take off, glide approaches, flapless landing, engine on fire, etc. The circuit practice is my last revision before solo. But the wind suddenly changed, we had to change the departure direction from runway 25 to 07. This left hand circuit, which has been practised for only two times, becomes the challenge to me. Fortunately, I can still apply what have been learnt into real situation and land my EYC safely with my confident control. Therefore, "hope for the best, prepare for the worst" would be very useful in my aviation career life!

Being a Pilot is really a challenging and remarkable experience! 


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Last lesson in Circuit !

Today , my instructor taught me Glide Approach and EFATO . In flight simulator , I good at this those action but in the real plane it is quite difficult for me to control !

I had try glide approach and full stop in Rangiora for two time . First time , I was too near the airport , need to go around . Second time, I got a low speed and my insturctor help me to balance the wing to land . I was still fail in this part of training .

After training , I had a debriefing with my insturctor Andrew who told me some skills in this part which is very useful . He also said " tomorrow you will do glide approach and EFATO again and have one more practice in Circuits then you will get a SOLO !!!!!  "

Yeah ! This is a big happy news for me !!

Our training aircraft " EYE " " EYJ " " EYF " " EYC "

some pic

[21/2/2012] btw sorry for late due to sleepy =]

full controlled circuit


The weather is fine, overcast, with a bit chill in the morning,
but become hot after the noon.
Today i have two flight, first is about climbing, descending, turning movement, and stall recovery; everything is fine, good controlling especially turning and stall recovery is quite good, but need more practice on climbing to straight and level and descending to straight and level.
The next one is the introduction of circuit, which cover what should be done in a basic circuit, there are many things need to remember, and have to get more acquainted to the cockpit control surface.
Overall everything is fine, apart from flying was doing wifi source searching....yeah i found it finally, then start surfing in the net, also made a call to my mum (LINE), and my dear as well

Monday, February 20, 2012

OPKB 2012 Mike within 4 Hour training Landing himself 4 time

OPKB 2012 Mike within 4 Hour training Landing himself 4 time 
Video by Simon

Photo Updates (20 Feb)

More photos when Kingbirders resumed their flying today.

Photo / Video team in position. 2 Tomahawks - FJR on left and EYC on right. (By Jarvis)

Jarvis outside the Canterbury Aero Club at Rangiora Airfield. (By Jarvis)

NM pulling a Tomahawk by herself. (By Jarvis)

Flying at near 100 knots. (By Jarvis)

Suprise Trip

Weaher is pretty good.My instructor Jason took me to Christchurch to change a new aircraft.This trip was too difficult to me because I need to make a straight and level flight without instument.But I finally could do it successfully.Also,I made my first landing in this wonderful day!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

We can't fly today!!

The weather is very cold today. When we arrive, Mike sneak into the aero club and open the door for us !
After learning climbing, descending and medium turn, we wait for flying.
We wait, wait and wait but unfortunately we cannot fly as the weather is really bad.
So we head to christchurch downtown. 

We visited several place such as the museum and the park. The museum is a bit boring in some parts but sometimes you can find some surprise ! The park is nice and there are many ducks swimming in the river as a squad. We wonder our host can be there so that we can have peking duck, roasted duck for our dinenr! 

Overall, it is a peaceful day today.
We miss flying and our planes !

Photo Updates (19 Feb)

Weather is not good.

Leisure day.

Christchurch in 2012.

Past Photos

The Cathedral in 2011
Operation Kingbird 2009-10

Operation Kingbird 2010-11

Allan Yu Flying Programme 2008

90 degrees Turn (Chan hok pan)

90 degrees Turn (Chan hok pan)
Video by Simon

Photo Updates (18 Feb)

Photo Updates on 18 Feb

Breakfast Time (By Jarvis)

Rangiora Airfield with 2 of the Tomahawks (by Jarvis)

Entrance of Rangiora Airfield (by Mike)

Group vehicle (by Mike)
By Steven Pang
Second-in-command Aviation Support Flight

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Group Photo

HKACC Operation Kingbird 2012 Flying Programme 

First Flights

We have all enjoyed our first flights today.
Flight sim is definitely different from that of reality, but the virtual practice really helps.

All the 4 aircrafts were the same to me until I did the 'walk-around check', one that requires us to touch the aircraft quite often. When I was investigating the surfaces of the aircraft, I learnt a lot about her 'history' - to my surprise, I have quickly become quite emotionally attached to her.

I look forward to flying with 'her' and my amiable British instructor in the following days.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Depart for New Zealand

All participants of Operation Kingbird 2011-12 Overseas Session have departed for Christchurch, New Zealand this evening. They will arrive at Christchurch on 17 Feb afternoon and will take one day rest before commencing their flying.

By Steven PANG
Second-in-command Aviation Support Flight

Ready for Departure

Operation Kingbird 2011-12 is about to depart for New Zealand. There are 9 HKACC senior and cadet members from various Wings under the Operation Group participated, led by Flt Lt (sp) Simon WONG, Officer Commanding Aviation Support Flight.

The whole group will update this blog during their stay in New Zealand. Each participant will write about their experience and thought in this blog and share to the public.

Let us share a bit photos for the flight simulator training back in Dec 2011 and Jan 2012.

Sam (left, 602 Sqn) receiving simulated flight instruction from Simon.

Joe (left, HQ 4 Wing), Frankie (right, HQ 4 Wing) and KK (front, 505 Sqn) practising flying at HQ workshop/ 

Another occasion when Frankie, Joe and Jarvis (front, 602 Sqn) gathered and further enhanced their flying skills.
By Steven PANG
Second-in-command Aviation Support Flight