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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Too busy to post!

Believe me or not, kingbirders are too busy to post anything here. If you fly 3 to 4 times a day, each for at least 0.6 or 0.7 hours, you would be lying on the ground right after the flights. Yes, they are doing these in the hope that a solo flight could be made as soon as possible.

From the instructors, 2 kingbirders should be able to make solo flights tomorrow morning, given the weather conditions and traffic. Let's wait and see.

When to turn base?

Simon's Macbook, one of his hi-tech toys.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Weather Weather Weather

The weather at Rangiora was not ideal today and flying has been halted in late morning. Hopefully the weather will be cleared up and tomorrow the kingbirders will practice their skills in circuits.


Sunday, February 13, 2011

First Landing!!!!!!

This is the 3rd day of the flying training, the weather is much better than the last two days, it is less bumpy, and more comfortable. I feel it easier to control the aircraft, which give me more confidence. I did my first landing today!!!!! However, I didn't realise that unitl my instructor told me that " You Landed!!!!". I feel excited and happy that I landed safely!! Looking forward to tomorrow's training!

Oh my god! by matthew

Why I write the titile 'Oh My God'?
As yesterday Simon Sir set a DV in matthew's turn. Usually we only hear engine noise from the recording, but I can still hear his 'Oh My God' when his instructor demonstrated the wing drop stall.
After that, his name becomes Oh My God.

Today is my 3rd day of training. I feel more confident and satisfied with my flying. As the 1st and 2nd days, I felt sick when there was turbulence. But today, I get used to the bumpy condition and the g-force change. Therefore, I look forward to more flying tomorrow and onward.-V-

First Landing Today!!

Today is my 3rd Training day. In these few days, we did lots of trainings, like straight and level, turnings, stalls etc. The feeling of flying an aircraft in the sky is really nice!! With my instructor's guidance, I have made good improvements, from don't know how to control the aircraft smoothly to fly it comfortably, my instructor does help me a lot!

And today, I did my first landing by myself and the feel is good! With my instructor's comments, I'm looking forward to the trainings in the future days!!

Rangiora Traffic, EYJ, Downwind for 07, full stop, number 1

My first time to perform landing in real world!

It is totally different from the flight simulation! Strong wind push my plane form the side, it's very scary! In flight sim, all the thing can re-start if we hv made a mess in the screen. But we cannot do it in the real situation!

So even we can fly a beautiful circuit in the virtual training or land on the ground without making a screaming sound, I will feel very happy that I can land on the ground mostly by myself safely =D

In the coming days, we will fly circuits and hope that we can complete it just like what we hv done in the computer. yo!


First landing

Today's the third day of flying. I performed my first landing. It's really exciting and amazing. My instructor, Dave said it's a good landing which made me feel confident and happy.
The life in NZ is quite enjoying. I love the green enviroment there.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Second Flying Day

Second Day of Flying

The second day of flying consists of medium turns, climbing / descending, climbing / descending turns and, if time allows, a demonstration on stalling and wingdrop stalling. Each participants have flown 1.6 - 2.2 hrs today to familiarize with the above manoeuvers.

Instructors would perform a briefing to participants before flying on each day, and a debriefing after each air exercise. By doing so, participants' learning progress is tracked and reviewed, and could accelerate their learning in handling skills.

A very rough drawing to visualize the skills needed during flight.
Flying Details

Airfield - Rangiora Airfield, west of Rangiora, 25 mins drive from hostel
Aircraft - ZK-EYD, EYE, EYF, EYJ (4)
Instructors - Dave, Ben, Richard, Mitchell (4)

Training apart from Flying

The Operation Kingbird is more than a mere flying training as it incorporates the element of group life also. Participants are required to handle needs of the group by themselves, such as purchasing, cooking, cleaning, and cash management.

Karen (left) and Yoyo helping the dinner.

Gilbert is preparing dinner for the entire group.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Find us on facebook

Due to technical issue, currently it needs large effort to upload photos. As it would be easier for us to upload them to facebook, you are welcome to our facebook group at:

[You may need to log in first.]

Work for dream

First flying lesson has been done, flying with Richard, 21 year old instructor. Just 1 year old difference, he's already got an instrument rating, what about me? Gotta work even harder for the dream! Can't wait for tomorrow's flight!

Fly high everyone!

First Day of Flying

All of our participants have been briefed and started their first flight today. They are operating from Rangiora airfield, flying northward to a town called Amberley for air exercises including straight & level flight, a bit medium turn and general aircraft handling.

As this is the first flying day, workload is kept to a low level. All had one session of flight ranging from 0.7 to 1.0 hours and were extensively de-breifed by their instructors. The de-briefing would hopefully assist them to refine their flying skills.

Training schedule from 12 Feb onwards. (The drawing is not part of the schedule.)
The flight training will be continued tomorrow and the participants will do more turnings.


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Safe Arrival at NZ

All Kingbirders and escort officers have safely arrived Christchurch, New Zealand and are working hard to prepare our first dinner at NZ. Let us give you a detailed update shortly.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Brief yourself as you may take off from Rangiora, about 40 mins drive from Christchurch downtown. You should be able to find the airfield details at AIP NZ.

This is a piece of good news actually! Rangiora (NZRT) is included in FSX. Just remember to adapt to the airfield - NZRT is 180 = 200 ft AMSL. So, start turning crosswind at 700 ft, circuit height is 1200 ft. Other stuffs are almost the same. Will brief you more at next session.

In case you don't know the airfield, it is shown in the below map.