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Monday, January 31, 2011

Wow!! Finally come to the overseas session of this operation!! I still remember that I had the Kingbird briefing in 602SQN meeting last year, when I was a junior in HKACC. I had my very first try on the flt sim and started imagine the feelings of controlling an aircraft.

During the months in the ground school, it is a bit hard for me, especially having the extra lessons after school in the mid-term period, then went back home at 12 and got up at 6 am next day. But I never give up and regreat to join this operation. All the things supporting me behind are my friends who study hard together and the dream of flying in a real aircraft.

And now, it's time for us to collect the fruits that we 've planted!

Taylor =]

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Dream comes true!

When I joined the Operation Kingbird Flying Programme, a lot of questions appeared in my mind. “Can I complete the programme?”, “Is the flying theory hard for me?”, “Would I give up the programme at last minute?” Those can be answered now. Dream is my great energy to push me completing this programme.

I've learned a lot of flying skills from the lectures and flight simulator. And now, these theories and skills can be practiced two weeks later. I have the faith that I can do the solo, and I can’t wait to fly in the sky!

by Sophia

Friday, January 28, 2011

Ready to Fly!

We will be flying in the sky above Christchurch in less than 2 weeks, and I can't wait to say "I have Control"!

In the past few months, we do learn a lot from our officers, thanks them for giving out their time and teaching us patiently, we are now able to do some basic maneuvers and fly a circuit in the Flight Simulator. When I was practicing, it reminds me the feeling of my first flying experience, the feel of flying is just awesome! Controlling the aircraft, enjoying the beautiful view above etc. these things make flying really exciting! I am ready and looking forward to applying those skills in the real plane!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Enjoy flying

Two weeks later, we will arrive New Zealand and fly on the sky.What can be better than that? I am sure that every kingbirders will have a memorable time in New Zealand. Hopefully, we will have a splendid weather during the trip and everyone of us can enjoy flying there. All the best.

14 days to go!

14 days to go! Before Kingbird flying programme, flying is only a theory for me. However, flying in the blue sky will become a real experience in my life two week later. I am wondering what is going to happen when my first take off, first landing and first solo. What is the different between flight sim and real plane?
Tell you 2 week later! Kingbird brother and sister, let fly high together!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Hour Log of Fltsim Training

As of 25 Jan 2011

Matthew #1

Only 2 weeks left and we will be off to NZ and fly the REAL PLANE ! In the past 4 months, I had been trying hard to learn the basic aviation knowledge, radios etc.... and now I can fly a plane in the flight sim, thz to the officer that had put lots of effort to teach us. Can't wait to fly in NZ, 14 days left ! I WANT TO FLY !

Details of Op Kingbird 2010-11


Date: 9 - 18 February 2011
Departure: 9 Feb 1655hr by NZ080
Arrival: 18 Feb 0615hr by NZ039

Flying school

Canterbury Aero Club (CAC), Christchurch Int'l Airport

Flight training will be conducted in Christchurch Int'l Airport, West Melton Airfield and areas nearby.


Around the World Backpackers
314 Barbadoes St, Christchurch, New Zealand


Overseas Session of Op Kingbird

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Karen #1

It’s only 2 weeks left !!!! Then I will be at NZ flying a real aircraft!!!

In the past 4 months, I keep on learning and practicing on the flight simulator.

From the beginning, I know nothing about the flight sim, aircraft……
to now I can ‘fly’ using the flight sim…..

Can’t imagine how good the feeling is when flying on the sky….
Can’t wait until 9 Feb comes!!!!!! Excited!!!!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Soaring high

It's been 4 months since the first kingbird lecture, we've learned a lot about simulated flying and yesterday I really put them into good use.

It was a CAP 10 aerobatics ride in Shek Kong. After climbing to 1500', this was the first ever "I have control.". With what I learned from kingbird lectures and small group training, I was able to fly the plane like what I did in flight simulator. I really love the feeling of soaring high! Can't wait to fly in NZ!

Elaine #1

After 4 months of preparation, it now comes to the "high tide" of our OKB programme. Just 2 more weeks to go.. really feel so excited!

In the past few months, we have spent much time together learning and practicing flight sim. It's really an enjoyable time for me and i really look forward to the day~ to see all of us flying high in the sky!!!

Yoyo #1

Since I joined Operation Kingbird, I learn lots of aviation knowledge and meet a lot of new friends. During this 4 months training, we are all becoming a one big family. We take care each other and teach each other. I am really happy to become one of the family member.-V-